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Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Institute for Global Change Biology, University of Michigan

Large carnivore ecology and conservation

I am a conservation ecologist currently working as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Institute for Global Change Biology at the University of Michigan. I am broadly interested in the ecology and conservation of large carnivores, and understanding how global ecosystem changes driven by humans are altering carnivore behaviors and their interactions with each other and people around them. My Ph.D. work focused on African lions and lion-human conflict, and I am now working on large mammal responses to fire and human development in the American West. The goal of my work is to combine my passion for wildlife conservation with my enthusiasm for ecological concepts and theories that underpin natural systems, tying the two together to protect endangered species. 


Institute for Global Change Biology​

School for Environment and Sustainability

University of Michigan
440 Church Street
Samuel T. Dana Building
Ann Arbor, MI

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